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Chiropractic Care And Quality Of Life In The Older Adult: What The Research Has To Say

Chiropractic Treatment is useful for patients of all ages. But for the older patient research shows us how important that it can be. Here are some research examples:

“In general, older people are underrepresented in many chiropractic practices. That’s a real shame and it may come down to a belief that they’re beyond help and just have to accept the inevitable decline in their health and function that comes with ageing. This study should give chiropractors and potential patients confidence that they can help improve function in their older patients and that may have an impact on their overall health and quality of life. We should encourage older adults to get checked![1]”

Another study published in the Journal Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics surveyed 1,057 (American) Medicare beneficiaries over the age of 70 in order to compare the effectiveness of treatment for uncomplicated back conditions. The study, which took place over two years, examined two treatment categories – chiropractic care and medical care. The authors found [6]:

“Chiropractic visits were greater in number and longer in duration than those of medical providers.

Chiropractic care was protective against declines in self-rated health

Chiropractic care was protective against declines in Lower Body Functioning“

The study provided clear evidence that, “chiropractic care is beneficial for older adults in the important areas of self-rated health and daily living function [3]” although further work defining key therapeutic levels would indeed aid understanding.

What we take from all the articles that we have read is to never think you are too old! There is always hope to improve given the right care.


[1] Staff Writer, (2016), “Chiropractic care and falls prevention in older people,” Australian Spinal Research Foundation,

[2] Staff Writer, (2015), “Quality of life indicators,” Eurostat,

[3] Glucina, T.T., Farvid, P., Krageloh, C (2017) New Zealand Chiropractors’ Perspectives on the Meaning and Assessment of “Quality of Life” in Relation to Chiropractic Practice. Scholarly Commons; Auckland University of Technology, Auckland

[4] Holt, Kelly R et al, “Effectiveness of Chiropractic Care to Improve Sensorimotor Function Associated With Falls Risk in Older People: A Randomized Controlled Trial,” Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics.

[5] Bauman C, Milligan J, Patel T, Pritchard S, Labreche T, Dillon-Martin S, Ilich A, Riva J (2014), “Community-based falls prevention: lessons from an Interprofessional Mobility Clinic,” Journal Canadian Chiropractic Association, 2014; 58(3), pp 300 – 312

[6] Staff Writer, (2014), “Comparing the Effects of Chiropractic and Medical Treatment for Older Adults,” Palmer Center for Chiropractic Research: Research Summary Series, from Weigel PA, Hockenberry J, Bentler SE, Wilinsky FD. The comparative effect of episodes of chiropractic and medical treatment on the health of older adults. J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2014;37(3):143-54.


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